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Striving for









Welcome to Reception with Miss Gosling, Miss Liljendahl and Mrs Bloom!

We also have our wonderful teaching assistants to help us throughout the day.


Miss Corris (HLTA), Mrs Shepherd, Mrs Ahmed and Miss Reid.

We enjoy teaching children through both adult-led and child-initiated activities. We do this by teaching whole class carpet sessions and through our carefully planned continuous provision.


Please click here to see our long-term plan FS2 Long Term Plan

Home Learning

Your child will receive a new book to read at home with you every Monday.

Please ensure that you read with your child at least three times a week. Once you have read with your child, please sign their planner. Your child will receive a golden ticket for every three reads they complete at home. This will then go into a raffle for a free book! 

Your child will also have a phonics homework booklet to support them with the tricky words and sounds that they have been learning in school.

Your child may also receive additional learning to support them further throughout the term.

Autumn 1 - Helping Hands

We learnt all about 'Helping Hands'. This included discussing our families, friends and community, how we can support ourselves and others and exploring the emergency services. 

We had two exciting visitors - our local police officers. We enjoyed asking them questions, trying on their uniform and sitting inside their police car!


Please click here to see our curriculum overview

Curriculum Overview Autumn 1

Please click here to listen to some of the stories that we will be reading this half-term 

Virtual Bookshelf Autumn 1

Autumn 2 - Traditional Tales

We enjoyed listening to, re-telling and changing traditional tales this half-term. In Literacy, we focused on the story Mr Wolf's Pancakes, which had many familiar characters. This lead us on to exploring different traditional tales and voting for our favourite one. 

We loved having our parents in for a pancake workshop where we took part in a carousel of activities linked to our Literacy book. Our favourite part of the carousel was making pancakes and trying them!


We also loved practising our Nativity and performing it in front of our grown-ups!

Please click here to see our curriculum overview

Curriculum Overview Autumn 2

Please click here to listen to some of the stories that we will be reading this half-term 

Bookshelf Autumn 2

Spring 1 Under the Sea

This half-term we are going to be learning about 'Under the Sea' and within this we will be learning how to look after our planet. To support us with this, we will learn about pollution and the importance of recycling. 

Please click here to see our curriculum overview

Curriculum Overview Spring 1

Spring 2 Our Wonderful World

We have loved reading the story Bee and Me this half-term as part of our Literacy lessons. We enjoyed writing our own versions of the story!


As part of our wider curriculum learning, we had a very exciting arrival. We had 10 eggs delivered that we were able to watch hatch into chicks!


Summer 2 Animal Kingdom