SMSC- Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
At Lowedges Junior Academy we believe that SMSC is at the heart of what we do and encompasses our whole curriculum. Academic development for all pupils is enhanced by consistently embedding spiritual, moral, cultural and social development throughout our curriculum, assemblies and additional activities. Our curriculum reflects the aims and values of our academy and meets the needs of all pupils so that they have the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
We want our pupils to engage in, respect and appreciate the world around them and be inspired to view the world with awe and wonder. We encourage a sense of moral purpose by enhancing their appreciation of cultural diversity and developing their confidence and maturity in handling personal aspects of their lives and others. Pupils are taught and supported to understand and be respectful of the fact that people have different faiths and beliefs. We choose our books and learning opportunities to enable our pupils to ask questions and have discussions in a safe environment. This enables pupils to gain knowledge of current affairs and have an open mind about differences. We promote a strong sense of community within our academy, our wider locality and the wider world, and always encourage pupils to take part and ask questions about things they may not yet understand. We understand the benefits of teaching with different learning styles in mind in order to engage all of our pupils. These are underpinned by fundamental British Values and referred back to, to support SMSC development.
To ensure that learning at Lowedges Junior Academy develops pupil’s Spiritual Development, the curriculum will encourage pupils to;
- listen and be still (encourage quiet reflection during a lesson or assembly)
- foster a sense of wonder and mystery in the world (promote an awareness of, and enjoyment in, using their imaginative potential and to develop curiosity and a questioning approach)
- develop individual self-confidence in expressing inner thoughts in a variety of ways
- develop self-esteem, respect for themselves and the ability to reflect
- have the opportunity to develop personal beliefs.
To ensure that learning at Lowedges Junior Academy develops pupils’s Moral Development, the curriculum will encourage pupils to;
- listen and respond appropriately to the views of others
- understand the principles lying behind decisions and actions
- be able to take moral decisions for themselves
- show respect for the environment
- be able to distinguish between right and wrong and to take responsibility for one’s own actions
- respect honesty and fairness and to tell the truth
- respect the rights and property of others and themselves
- respect loyalty
- help those less fortunate or able than ourselves
- treat others as they would wish to be treated themselves
- value other people and their feelings and act considerately towards others
- exercise self-discipline
- consider consequences of actions and effect on others
- develop positive attitudes
- conform to rules and regulations for the good of all
- consider moral dilemmas.
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To ensure that learning at Lowedges Junior Academy develops pupil’s Social Development, the curriculum will encourage pupils to;
- relate positively to others and to show sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others
- participate fully and take responsibility within the classroom and the wider academy
- use appropriate behaviour, according to situations
- engage successfully in partnership with others
- exercise personal responsibility and initiative
- work as part of a group, team and to consider other people’s point of view
- interact positively with others through contacts outside school e.g. sporting activities, visits to universities, other faith organisations, etc
- develop an understanding of citizenship and to experience being part of the Lowedges community
- realise there are things each person can do well
- show politeness, cheerfulness, friendliness and actively want to do the right thing.
To ensure that learning at Lowedges Junior Academy develops pupil’s Cultural Development, the curriculum will encourage pupils to;
- develop a sense of belonging to pupils’ own culture and being proud of their cultural background
- respond to cultural events
- share different cultural experiences
- respect different cultural and faith traditions
- understand codes of behaviour, fitting to cultural tradition
- explore other cultures and beliefs, and understand similarities and differences between faiths and cultures
- develop an understanding of British cultural tradition, including all faiths
- appreciate the values and customs of other ethnic and faith groups which make up modern British society, and the world beyond
- develop the ability to value and celebrate current cultural enthusiasms and media.